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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Selsdon Afternoon

St Johns Church Hall
Upper Selsdon Road Selsdon South Croydon

Meets: 3rd Friday of the month at 13:30

More Information On This Social Group

Selsdon Afternoon Townswomen's Guild was formed back in November 1950 and we are still going strong with around 80 Members. We meet every month at St. John's Church Hall in Selsdon. Bus No. 412 stops outside the door and buses serving all the local areas stop just around the corner.We have a step free entrance and a free car park.

We have a full programme of activities. At our monthly Guild meeting we have a speaker or entertainer. The speakers cover a wide variety of subjects which are both interesting and educational. We celebrate special and historical occasions, enjoy outings to popular venues within the South East area, and make several theatre visits a year to London and Wimbledon. We also have a number of smaller monthly groups for members to share their interests. These may be held in Members' homes or in the local pub. Currently we have groups for Handicrafts, Drama, Book Club, Knit & Natter, Rummikub, and a very popular Lunch Club.

Friendship and fun are the top of our agenda and we consider ourselves to be a friendly and welcoming group of women. Call Christine on 020 8657 4861.

Contact Details

Christine Holland: 020 8657 4861

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