Modern Day Slavery
Update: 3rd August 2016 As published in the Autumn 2016 issue of ?
Townswoman?, this mandate was passed unanimously at the AGM.
TG applauds the passing of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and urges local authorities, law enforcement agencies, immigration officers and all others involved in tackling human trafficking and modern slavery to cooperate and ensure this legislation is upheld.
This topic has been proposed by the Trustee board as an update to a previous mandate from 2003:
Townswomen's Guilds in Council assembled urges HM Government to take more action to tackle the problem of Human Traffickers in the UK who are exploiting women and committing crime against humanity.
Taking Action
TGHQ has already been working to spread the word of our mandate through what channels we can. We are also encouraging our members to do the same, to support our efforts as we seek an end to this abhorrent practice.
More information was included in the Autumn 2016 issue of
Townswoman, and will be included in the next mailing.
Following the launch of the Evening Standard's campaign to abolish modern slavery, we are doing all we can to encourage members to get involved however they can.
Modern Day Slavery Act 2015
Modern Slavery