Cycling Regulation
Ahead of what would have been the 2020 AGM, TGHQ received mandate suggestions relating to specific aspects of cyclists' behaviour. The Board decided therefore to incorporate these suggestions into something broader that would make for a more sustainable campaign:
TG calls for a framework of legally enforceable rights and responsibilities for cyclists using roads and shared pedestrian areas, making them (and/or legal guardians, for minors) accountable for their behaviour
Broadly speaking, we have noted four main areas of concern:
- A lack of training, particularly for those who cycle as their primary form of transport and/or as part of their work (for example, food delivery companies)
- Bikes not being equipped appropriately, with specific interest in treating bells as a mandatory requirement in the same way lights are (coupled with appropriate training as above to make sure said bells are used correctly)
- A lack of means to identify specific cyclists where they are responsible for accidents due to reckless road use, due to no registration information on bikes, along with there being no requirement for cyclists to hold insurance.
- Parents being held to account where their children are not cycling responsibly and safely, to encourage them to make sure their children have adequate training and supervision to keep themselves and other road/pavement users safe
However, the intention behind the broadness of the wording is to allow us to raise any other areas of concern that may arise going forward. It does not currently apply to electric scooters, although we are aware that many of the same issues arise with them.
Taking Action
There are several ways in which members can help us to further our cycling campaign, which have been outlined previously in past magazines:
Research cycling training in your area: what courses are available in your area? Who are the courses for (adults/children/all-age) and what do they cover?
Food delivery companies: how do these companies ensure that their drivers are proficient enough on a bike to ensure their safety, and the safety of other road users and pedestrians? Find out what you can about this in your local area. Do you have any experiences encountering these riders or been involved in an accident involving a delivery service courier?
In respect of the updates to the Highway Code: Do you agree with the changes? Is there anything you think still needs to be addressed, that might form the basis for a further update to the Highway Code? We would be particularly interested to hear cyclists' perspectives but views from motorists and pedestrians are also welcome.
Find out what is being done to promote the changes to the Code in your area and think about how your Guild might be able to help in this regard. You could make posters to display on local community boards or create post box toppers encouraging people to familiarise themselves with the new rules. You could hold an open meeting to promote and discuss the changes, or you might just take the time to talk about the changes with non-TG friends and family.
Contact your local authority and ask how they intend to make sure that the changes are enforced, as well as what support they would need from national Government to improve their ability to do so.
For all of the above, please feed back any thoughts, actions taken and responses received to Rhiannon at TGHQ so that we can use these to further our campaign.