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HRH The Princess Royal to attend Townswomen’s Guilds 2018 AGM at Brighton Dome

National women’s organisation the Townswomen’s Guilds (TG) are happy to announce the attendance of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal to the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Princes Royal is Patron of the national women’s organisation.

The association between TG and Her Royal Highness dates back to as early as 1977. The TG Patronage has been long standing and diverse, with Her Royal Highness regularly attending Townswomen’s Guild events and, most recently, the unveiling of the TG war memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.


This year’s AGM is to be held at the Brighton Dome on Wednesday 13th June 2018. Members from the TG organisation will join together to discuss various topics, as well as selecting mandates, introducing a lively debate and hearing from a keynote speaker.


Townswomen’s Guilds is one of the largest women’s organisations in the UK. With around 600 Guilds and 24,000 members, it is experiencing something of a renaissance through a ‘new generation’ of members, attracted by the events, friendship, crafts and campaigning on social issues offered collectively and by individual Guilds around the country.

Click here to download press pack


For more information on the event, please visit http://the-tg.com/GuildEvent/agm-2018/502.aspx

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