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TG supports the Climate Coalition's Show The Love campaign

This year, TG is once again supporting the Climate Coalition's Show The Love campaign, which seeks to help people engage with their MPs and ensure that tackling climate change remains a priority for Government.

You can find out all about the campaign at the Climate Coalition's website here, along with some ideas if you would like to create your own green heart but aren't sure where to start.

We encourage members to share their creations on social media - use the hashtags #Inourhandstg, #TheFightThatUnites, and #Showthelove. Please make sure you tag TG in your posts, if you know how, or you can send your photos to us by email - we would love to see what you come up with.

If you are not the crafting type but would still like to get involved, we have created a template letter for you to print off and send to your MP - just fill in your details, and include some of your own thoughts in the space provided. This can be found on the Toolbox page in the Campaigns section, so please do take a look and get involved.

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