Berkshire Federation
More Information
Berkshire has 4 Guilds in its Federation - Caversham Afternoon has 14 members, meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2.15pm; Caversham Height has 15 members, meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm; Tilehurst Heights has 24 members, meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2.00pm and Wokingham West Forest Guild has 57 members, meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2.15pm. All of these Guilds are active with a full range of activities to take part in such as rambling, knit and natter, Scrabble, theatre outings, lunches, Bridge, social studies etc. Associate members are welcome to join us.
The Federation Committee meets every two months for a committee meeting followed by a Council meeting in the following week when 2 delegates from each Guild is invited to attend.
All of our Guilds are invited to take part in the Federation's social events such as outings, coffee mornings and lunches.
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