Beryl Hales, National Chair
I live in Nottingham and belong to Arnold Townswomen’s Guild. I am Chair of the Guild and enjoy using my organisational skills to help to plan what we do each month. I also enjoy using these skills to organise the weekly TG quiz and monthly TG evening events on Zoom.
The Zoom activities have allowed me to meet members who I probably would never have had a chance of meeting otherwise and to make new TG friends. I joined with some of them as a member of the TG Players online drama group and, as I love writing, and am now writing the next pantomime script for the them to perform through Zoom.
My first piece of writing for TG was a letter which was printed in the TG magazine. As a Trustee I have contributed to both the magazine and newsletter and been a part of the editorial team. It would be good to have some fresh input into this, if you feel that it is an area you could contribute to as a Trustee.
Of course, I like to meet members in person too and enjoy going to visit Guilds. If you would like me to visit your Guild, I am happy to offer you a talk in return. You can see what my talks are like in the members area of the website.
When I became a member of TG, I never imagined that I would be on the Guild committee, let alone become a Trustee or National Chair. Members of my Guild, Federation and other Trustees encouraged and supported me to take on more challenging roles and I have enjoyed every opportunity which has presented itself.
If you are interested in becoming a Trustee but you are nervous and feel that the Trustees are somehow ‘different’, I can assure you that we are just like you. Certainly, I am still a member of the Guild who pays her subs and brings in biscuits on her birthday.