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North Durham Federation
The Federation occupies the northern half of County Durham, stretching up from Chester-le-Street to the River Tyne and includes two Guilds north of the Tyne. It was formed in 1953, and has six Guilds.
Chester-le-Street Guild holds two meetings per month. The venue is the Parish Centre in the heart of the town and on the second and the third Monday they gather at 7.00pm. They have active craft and rambling groups and love day trips and eating out.
Eighton Banks is on the southern outskirts of Gateshead. They meet at the Village Hall, on Long Bank, every third Tuesday at 7.30pm.
Hermitage Guild is the second Guild in Chester-le-Street and meets at Bethel Chapel, (Lower Hall) Low Chare on the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm. They have a very active craft group and book club.
High Heaton Guild is situated North of the Tyne, in the city of Newcastle. Members meet on the last Tuesday of the month in St. George's United Reform Church in High Heaton at 7pm. They too have a craft group and love to visit theatres and art galleries together.
Whickham Guild is a well established Guild with 62 members and they meet in Whickham Community Centre on the first Monday of the month at 7.30pm.
Wallsend Battle Hill Guild has recently joined this Federation and they meet at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Berwick Drive, Wallsend on the third Monday of the month at 7.30pm.
Contact DetailsFederation Chairman:
Mrs Doreen Yeates Telephone : 0191 3886224
Event ReportsFederation Fun Quiz February 16th