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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Maidenhead Cox Green Evening

Cox Green Community Centre
51 Highfield Lane MAIDENHEAD

Meets: 3rd Thursday of the month at 19:30

More Information On This Social Group

We are a friendly and lively group. At our monthly meetings we regularly have speakers on a variety of subjects and sometimes we have quizzzes or games evenings. We have a Rambling Group which meets regularly usually on a Saturday morning and always ends with a pub lunch, a Craft Group and a Scrabble Group which meet on alternate fortnights.

Occasionally we organise trips to local theatres or places of interest and during the summer months may organise coffee mornings and cheese and wine evenings at members' homes. We have no meeting in August.

Future Meetings

21 March 2024 AGM

18 April Accessible Boating Thames - Gavin Tisshaw

16 May The War Graves Commission

20 June Ukulele Group

18 July Summer Social

Aug No Meeting

19 September TBA

17 October Maidenhead Library & Services

21 November Work of the RNLI - Colin Brown

19 December Christmas Social

Maidenhead Cox Green Evening Galleries

Request Contact From This Guild

Click the link below to contact.

Click here to contact TG

Request Contact From This Guild

This form is only for individuals interested in learning about and potentially joining this local social group.

Please complete the form and our Head Office (in Birmingham) will pass your details on and arrange for a representative of the Guild to contact you.

We will not pass on speakers’ details or any other enquiries that are not from a potential member.

Please note you are more than welcome to attend the next meeting as a visitor on payment of a small fee without contacting the Guild first.

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