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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Bath Weston Village Evening

Moravian Church Hall
High Street Weston Bath

Meets: 3rd Wednesday of the month at 19:30

More Information On This Social Group

Weston Village Townswomen's Guild currently has a membership of 67 ladies who meet on at least a monthly basis for fun and friendship. The main Guild meeting is held on the third Wednesday of the month and includes Guild business and interesting speaker and refreshments.

The Guild also offers a variety of activities and outings and all members are invited to join our other groups which include drama, choir, needlework, and local history. Theatre trips are undertaken usually twice a year and a new Sunday lunch club is up and running.

Most years we hold a Christmas Fayre to support our fundraising efforts where we raise money for our chosen charity for the year. This year we are supporting the local Wizzy Bugs charity as well as supporting our own Guild. We started our charity fundraising this year by holding a very successful Spring Afternoon Tea.

New members are always welcome. Just contact one of the numbers below for further information.

Contact Details

Co Chairman Christine Sivyour 01225 310719 Co Chairman Sue Greedy 01225 400968

Bath Weston Village Evening Galleries

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