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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Chasetown TG

WI Hall
Burntwood Road Hammerwich Burntwood

Meets: 4th Wednesday of the month at 14:30:00 (*do not meet in December)

More Information On This Social Group

We are members of South Staffordshire Federation. Visitors always welcome.

The Chasetown Townswomen's Guild was formed in April 1983 and meet at the WI hall in Hammerwich on the 4th Wednesday in the month at 2.30pm - 4.30pm. In addition there are a few group activities/events to join in with: Craft Group Lunch Club Gardening Group (maintaining a sensory garden at Hammerwich Riding School for the disabled) Annual and other trips as advertised.

Each year we support a different charity chosen by members. The monies raised are presented to a representative of the charity in February.

Speakers for 2024

January - Chair Yoga

February - Craft and vinted

March - AGM and Guild Choir

April - Morecambe & Wise

May - Call the midwife

June - New Life

July - Royal Yacht Britannia

August - The Shadows

September - Harvest Tea

October - Crafting

November - Christmas Party

Contact Details

Contact: Elaine Gregory on 01543 672341 for further details.

Event Reports

Reports added in 2022

August meeting - Kirby Tibbets Leather

Reports added in 2023

January meeting

April meeting/40th Anniversary

View archived reports


Chasetown TG facebook page

Chasetown TG Galleries

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