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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Farnborough Clockhouse

St Peters Parish Centre
60 Church Avenue FARNBOROUGH
GU14 7AP

Meets: 2nd Tuesday (no meeting in August from 2025) of the month at 14:15

More Information On This Social Group

We are a very sociable group always ready to welcome new members. The current programme for our monthly meetings shows talks and social afternoons as follows:

11th June 2024 – “Neighbourcare” and social afternoon.
9th July 2024 – “Memories are made of this” – Alan Grace
13th August 2024 – “Prince Consort Library” – Diane Payne
10th September 2024 – Afternoon Tea
8th October 2024 – “World War II” – Jo Gosney
12th November 2024 – “Folk Tales” – Fiona Birchell
10th December 2024 – Christmas party

14th January 2025 – “A Day in Iran as a Housewife” – Sandra Simmonds
11th February 2025 – To be confirmed
11th March 2025 – AGM
8th April 2025 – To be confirmed.

In addition to our monthly Guild meetings, we have a number of sub-groups who meet during the month –

Book club – come and exchange favourite books and chat over a cup of coffee.
Solo club – meet up one Sunday a month for lunch at various venues.
Rummikub – spend a morning playing this enjoyable game.
Luncheon/afternoon tea – alternating between the two once a month at various venues.
Morning coffee – meet up on a different morning each week at the local Library for coffee and a chat.

Throughout the year we also arrange visits to gardens, historical places and exhibitions of interest within reasonable travelling distance as and when the occasions arise and also theatre trips when a “not to be missed” performance occurs at the Theatre in Woking.

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