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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Selsdon Afternoon

St Johns Church Hall
Upper Selsdon Road Selsdon South Croydon

Meets: 3rd Friday of the month at 13:30

More Information On This Social Group

Selsdon, little more than a friendly village community, lies on the southern fringes of Greater London approaching the top of the North Downs, within easy access of the capital as well as the South Coast. 

We currently boast nearly 100 members and our Guild has been successfully operational since its inaugural meeting in November 1950, in the very same hall that we use today. The hall is the perfect venue with excellent parking, easy access by bus routes from surrounding areas, and close links to other Guilds, as well as our Federation.

Our programme of activities includes speakers and entertainers who provide both great variety as well as interest and educational value.  We celebrate special and historical occasions, enjoy outings to popular venues within the South East area, and make several theatre visits a year to London and Wimbledon.  Groups of members share their interests through a literary club;  handicraft;  drama;  Knit & Natter, and the popular lunch club.

We consider ourselves to be a friendly and welcoming group of ladies, and there is little doubt that friendship and fun are top of the agenda.   We encourage our members to display their talents and interests and do our best to keep our activities in the public eye in an effort to increase public awareness in the Townswomen's movement. We are always happy to receive enquiries from prospective new recruits, especially from the younger generation.

Contact Details

Maureen Stagg:  020 8651 2336

Selsdon Afternoon Galleries

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