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National Campaign and mandates for membership organisation

Campaigns and Mandates

Townswomen's Guilds has a long and proud history of campaigning on important issues. Below you will find our current most prominent campaigns, mandated at our AGMs. Please get involved – leave us your opinion, tell us whether you agree or disagree with the issues and what, if anything, you are doing to help progress the issues at hand. Please share your thoughts and experiences – this is your TG.

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Latest Updates

Plastic Free Periods campaign picture

Plastic Free Periods

Townswomen’s Guilds urges HM Government to raise public awareness of the hidden plastic in women’s period and hygiene products, including tampons, sanitary towels and incontinence pads, and to encourage the use of reusable and plastic-free alternatives.

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Six-O Group campaign picture

Six-O Group

TG is one of the six leading women's organisations working together for a greater good

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Provision of Public Toilets campaign picture

Provision of Public Toilets

TG is concerned that the decline in the number of free-to-access public toilets is a threat to citizens' hygiene, health, mobility, dignity and equality. We therefore urge Her Majesty's Government to make adequate provision of free public toilets a legal requirement for local authorities, supported by protected, sustained funding.

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Cycling Regulation campaign picture

Cycling Regulation

TG calls for a framework of legally enforceable rights and responsibilities for cyclists using roads and shared pedestrian areas, making them (and/or legal guardians, for minors) accountable for their behaviour

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Charity and community banking campaign picture

June 2022
Charity and community banking

TG is concerned that current banking operations are causing local community groups and small charities to close. We call upon banks and their regulators to work together with organisations like ours so that routines and procedures appropriate for all involved parties can be introduced

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Ban under-18 marriage campaign picture

June 2018
Ban under-18 marriage

"TG believes that marriage before the age of 18 should be made illegal in the UK"

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