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International Womens Day 2017

More than a hundred ladies gathered in York for an excellent lunch and to hear three brilliant speakers. My personal favourite was Professor Karen Hunt who has a mission of reclaiming women’s place in history. Her subject was the important role played by women in feeding the country during World War I and the early attempts at rationing. Without the experience of the Great War it is unlikely that such a successful and equitable scheme could have been introduced in 1939.
The other speakers were equally well received. Margaret Evison spoke movingly about the loss of her soldier son in Afghanistan and the Foundation created in his memory to encourage young people; Sylvia Atkinson made us laugh and gasp in amazement at the story of her mother’s hidden past and the discovery of three older Indian siblings.
IWD lunches play an important role in bringing TG ladies together as the chatter noise confirmed. The Trustees try to spread the events throughout the country when looking for venues for future years; if you think there is somewhere near you which would be a suitable place for a lunch of this size then please do send us the details and we can investigate.

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