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Marie’s 50 years in TG

Marie’s daughter Indra told us about her Mum’s long TG membership and how she is inspiration to all who meet and get to know her.

Marie Pooran came to Britain in the 1960s (from the Caribbean) and joined the Tottenham Evening Townswomen's Guild in 1971, a quintesentially British organisation which she has contributed fully to it - and continues to do so. At that time she was the only Asian member and actually for all of her 50 years has been one of few across many guilds and a rarity when attending the AGM and other events.

She has held so many different positions within the Guild; Chairperson, secretary, treasurer - rotating with other members who valued her leadership, stellar organisations skills, communication skills (Mum owned a typewriter and used to do all of the minutes) and now - aged 87 takes minutes on her laptop and prints them off for fellow members. She has been not just a member but a dear friend to many and continues to be.

As I child I attended many bazars and jumble sales, where my Mum (as treasurer) would keep track throughout the event of the money collected for the Guild or charity they were supporting. My sister and I have judged competitions and members of the Guild have become our family - attending weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.

Mum has led on many events - Jubilee events, Guild Centenary, the Olympics...the list goes on. She took part in a TG's 50th anniversary celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall and we attended as a family - so proud to see Mum on the stage with other Guild members dancing to a number from "She".

Mum has been in charge of many competitions - craft, food, flower arranging - allocating tasks to fellow members and galvanising them into action. I'm pleased to say - they have won quite a few of these over the years.

She has attended meetings at Federation and national level and has been proud to represent her members and friends from Tottenham Evening Guild for over 40 years. The Guild closed and Mum was instrumental in merging with other north London Guilds as memberships across all declined. 

She has been a lynchpin throughout these years but none more so than 2020 - keeping members together and staying in touch throughout Covid to ensure those members who are less able to get around and without family to support them - to ensure they're ok.

When my Dad had a stroke in 1999, Mum cared for him at home - but continued to attend Guild meetings once or twice a week and this (along with attending the temple) became a lifeline for Mum and respite away from day to day life as a carer. She continued to care for my D ad until he passed away in 2017 - and continues to attend Guild meetings (pre-Covid) as it is such a huge part of her life.

 This brief piece doesn't do justice at all to all of the amazing things she has done during her 50 years (and counting) and her amazing journey with TG.

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