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TG applauds the Gambling Commission taking action against 888

TG welcomes news announced today that the Gambling Commission has fined gambling firm 888 a record £7.8m after it was discovered that customers who had chosen to bar themselves from their 888 accounts were still able to gamble on 888's bingo platform (source)

While £7.8m may not make much of a dent in company profits, the message behind the fine is clear: that the Gambling Commission is taking its responsibilities seriously and is refusing to tolerate failures by the gambling companies to protect vulnerable consumers who are unable to self-regulate without blocking themselves from their online accounts.

We hope that this will see all gambling companies step up their games in protecting customers - from themselves, if needs be - and ensure that any such loopholes that might serve as temptation to those struggling with addiction are flushed out and sealed off.

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