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Evening Standard launches campaign to tackle Modern Slavery

London-based newspaper the Evening Standard has just launched a campaign designed to stamp out modern slavery, urging its readership to stay vigilant and help to find and expose cases where people may be kept as slaves.

The newspaper has worked with anti-slavery advocates Freedom United to create a hub site designed to educate and support people in understanding the signs that someone may be trapped in slavery and how to help, as well as serving as a call to businesses and Government to play their parts in wiping out this abhorant practice.

The hub site can be found here and one thing we would urge everyone reading this to do is to take the pledge to support the campaign, which will add your voice to thousands of others and allow you to receive updates on this campaign as it progresses. 

Additionally, on October 14th there will be an awareness-boosting walk for freedom in London, and we would ask anyone who is able to show their support. More details can be found at the above-listed hub site.

Everyone has a role to play to stamp out slavery and TG is committed to supporting initiatives such as these and to urging members and non-members alike to keep their eyes and ears open and to refuse to turn a blind eye to what goes on in their area.


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