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Cross party support for the consumer’s right to choose paper bills and statements in the House of Commons

On 30th January, Keep Me Posted secured an Oral Ministerial Question during the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy session and have subsequently secured a Ministerial meeting to discuss their work. The discussion is available to be viewed here.

Keep Me Posted campaign to ensure that consumers are not penalised for choosing to receive paper copies of bills, statements and other important documents which are increasingly moving towards online distribution. TG's National Vice-Chairman, Jenny Thorne, has been involved with the group since 2014, following TG's mandate on this topic, and we are pleased to see that the issue is being brought to Ministers' attention and that there is cross-party support for protecting consumers who cannot or prefer not to access important documents online.

Keep Me posted have prepared a press release which has been distributed to all partner organisations to pass on to journalistic contacts. We will be looking at doing so from a national perspective at HQ; if you would like to join in and share with local journalistic contacts you can download the press release here (which we have amended to include TG as the distributing organisation).

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