Toolbox: How to write campaign letters
Writing Campaign Letters
The written word is a powerful tool which can be used in campaigns to ensure the right people are hearing that they will not be allowed to ignore important issues. Written letters or emails are an excellent way to make your voice heard; however, as with many things there is a right way and a wrong way to go about doing so.
Because TG campaigns on so many different topics, it is impossible for us to issue a standard draft; however, we have created an outline that will demonstrate roughly what your letter or email should look like.
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Letter or Email?
Letters are a physical presence which are less likely to get lost; however, you need to pay for postage and it can take time for them to arrive. Email is quicker and cheaper; however, there is a good chance your email may slip into junk mail and not be spotted. Ultimately, the choice comes down to personal preference – you could even do both, if you really want to make sure your message gets across. Whichever route you take, there are some things to remember:
- Letters should be typed, not hand-written – if you don’t have a computer, your local library should have some available with just a small charge for printing.
- For letters and emails, it is much better to address them to a named individual where possible – you may need to give the organisation you are writing to a call to find out the best person for your needs. This is particularly important for email, as the generic email addresses for organisations receive a much higher volume of unsolicited email and thus there is more chance of your email being ignored if it does get marked as junk email.
- Whether letter or email, be mindful of spelling and grammar and ensure that you are clear in your wording. It may help to have someone else read a draft of your letter or email, especially if you are not confident in your writing skills.
- Correspondence should be no longer than two sides of A4 paper and ideally shorter, especially for emails.
- Be polite and constructive, as this will be far better received and the addressee will be much better disposed towards responding.
Once you send your letter or email, allow a reasonable length of time for response – a week for email, two to three for letters – but don’t be afraid to either send a follow-up letter or find a telephone contact and check to make sure it was received and is not being ignored. And when you do get a response, be sure to let TGHQ know – we would love to promote the work you are doing at a local level, and can only do that if we know about it!
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