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Leeds Minster Thanksgiving Celebration

Leeds Minster, or the Minster and Parish Church of Saint Peter-at-Leeds, (formerly Leeds Parish Church), is a foundation of major architectural and liturgical significance. 

A church is recorded on the site as early as the 7th century, although the present structure is a Gothic Revival one, dating from the mid-19th century. 

It is dedicated to Saint Peter and was the Parish Church of Leeds before becoming a Minster in 2012. 

The Minster was the venue for the ‘northern’ and second of TG’s two Thanksgiving Celebrations which commemorate the 90th anniversary of this wonderful organisation of ours.

The service was conducted by the Reverend Canon Sam Corley, the organist was David Houlder, the choir was the Choir of Leeds Minster, and the Director of Music was Paul Dewhurst.

Once again, a packed audience of enthusiastic TG members witnessed the Service start with a parade of TG’s Federations’ banners – Note: a Federation is a grouping of individual Guilds in a particular area.

A candle was lit by the National Chairman, Jenny Rideout, in remembrance of our founder members and those past, present and future.

Members listened to readings and pieces by the Choir in dutiful silence; hymns were sung with passion.

The Service once again finished with the National Chairman reading “Celebrating 90 Years” which had been specially written by Ellen Jenkinson.

Having celebrated TG’s 90 years, members left Leeds Minster fortified and vowing to take TG boldly forward to reach the next milestone, 100 years!!!

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