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TG Teds Picnic

If you came down to the TG Teddy bears picnic on 15th July, you might have been surprised to meet these bears.

TG Teds Picnic

Stella from Knowle Guild brought "Jack Crowndale" to the Teddy Bear's Picnic and told us how he came to live with her.

‘I was walking around the neighbourhood with my 7-year-old grandson and we saw a teddy bear on a front garden wall with a note saying "I need a new home".

We carried him home and my grandson decided on the name Jack and his surname comes from the name of the road where we found him.’

This is a photo of the teddy who belonged to Linda from Uplands and District TG Bristol.

‘As far as I can remember he was given to me when I was born. Unfortunately, these photos are all I have left of him as one day, only about a year ago, on a mad clear out I let my head rule instead of my heart and I let him go. As you can see the stuffing was falling out and he no longer had any facial features.

He'd been this way for a long time and my mother had repaired him for me as much as she could and gave him new felt paws when I was younger, I can't remember when he lost his face. A long time ago he also growled. I am now 72. At least I have my photos.

Whenever I watch Repair Shop, I think of Ted but probably I wouldn't have had a good enough background story for them to repair him for me. 

Susan didn’t have a teddy as a child and this is a photo of Jack, the first teddy ever bought for her by her husband in about 2001. Jack is wearing the playing strip of Manchester Storm and was bought when they we were at one of their games at MEN arena.

Alma from Uplands Guild found that a second, smaller teddy had somehow worked his way into the photo she showed us of her son’s bear.

The larger of the two was given to her son by Grandma when.

Her son is now 61 so Ted has also celebrated his 61st birthday this year.

‘Son tells me that an identical bear was sold for £400 pounds on the bidding room this week!! At some time I knitted new hands and feet!!’

Elizabeth’s teddy who likes the attention he is getting by having his photo included

And we discovered that our Chair, Penny Ryan was an arctophile (a person who collects or is very fond of teddy bears) when she sent us a PowerPoint presentation about her bears. Whenever you see Penny with a suitcase, you know that Harry will be safe and snug in it and will be keeping her company when she unpacks.

There were four songs about bears to join in with, starting with the ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ and continuing with Rosemary Clooney’s ‘Me and My Teddy Bear’, Jackie Lee’s ‘Rupert the Bear’ and finishing with Elvis asking us to ‘Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear’.

These were interspersed with reminiscences about famous bears such as the bear which Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot which started the whole teddy soft toy story, Winnie the Pooh, Sooty and Bungle. Many there remembered an action skipping rope rhyme where you needed to be agile enough to touch your shoe without getting tangled up in the rope.

And at 8 o’clock when we went home, there were some tired teddies and their owners who had enjoyed spending an evening with this toy who has been a favourite for over 100 years.

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