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Make your pledge

As part of our ‘In Our Hands’ campaign focusing on the climate crisis, we are planning to show our commitment to change by attending the UN Climate Change conference in Glasgow.
We’d also like to deliver the message that TG members are backing the UNs plans for change. We want the message to take the form of crafted leaves made by our great members.

To spread the message even further, and make it as accessible to all as possible, we have also created a virtual pledge form below - where you can select your pledge/s. 

You can choose to make as many pledges as you wish. You can also choose to make your pledge/s anonymous, if you'd prefer to.  

We would like you to embrace all of our pledges and make permanent changes to what you do but understand this isn't always possible. However, even if you only pledge to make one change, you will be making a positive difference.

Read more about In Our Hands, here

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