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AGM Brighton 2018

Our 2018 AGM takes place on Wednesday, 13 June at the Brighton Dome.

Doors, stalls and exhibition will open at 8am with the meeting starting at 10am and finishing at approx. 4:30pm.

Tickets: If you would like to attend, please contact your Federation, which has been sent applications forms. If your Federation has opted out of the procedure, or your Guild doesn't belong to a Federation, your Guild's primary contact can place your order for Delegate and Observer tickets. Delegate and Banner Carrier tickets are complimentary; Observer tickets are £14 each. The deadline for ordering Observer tickets is Friday 11 May 2018, but places are limited, so apply early.

For more information please contact Kelly Jones at TGHQ.

If you'd like to book accommodation, try our partner, VisitBrighton, for specially negotiated rates - see aws.passkey.com/go/tgna2018, email delegates@visitbrighton.com or call 01273 292626.

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